Sacha Maxwell
Life seems to wend its way through time, sometimes flowing gently and other times like a raging torrent. It was during one of these passages through the torrent that I finally opened the Pandora's Box of environmental energy healing work in order to support myself and find some moments of respite as life rushed around me. This was something that had been with me since I was a child but I was always told "you have to get a degree & get a proper job."
During that time I have gone from being a research geologist (I have a degree in Geology from Trinity College Dublin) working for a gold exploration company to currently being a self employed therapist with many other incarnations along the way.
However, during the past few years the animals that have lived with me have slowly guided me towards working with them in order to support my clients and students. The natural world plays a huge role in my daily life and practice and I am very grateful to have had the opportunity to work with so many amazing teachers.
With that in mind I offer students the opportunity to learn techniques to support not only themselves but also their animal companions, in this case HelioSol Technique for animals and AgapeMind with hopefully some of my own wisdom and experiences passed on as well.
BA Hons Natural Science (Geology) National University of Ireland Trinity College
Foundational HelioSol Technique & AgapeMind Instructor
HelioSol Practitioner
Licensed BioGeometry BG-EHS Practitioner
Advanced Certified BodyTalk Practitioner & BodyTalk for Animals Practitioner
BodyTalk Access for Animals Trainer
PaRama BodyTalk Practitioner
QQI Level 6 Special Purpose Award Training and Development
Business Diploma
British Horse Society I-IV
Pony Club B Test