Animal Courses
If you are interested in becoming a HelioSol Practitioner for Animals (HSPA), you can follow the order of courses as depicted in the Flow Chart. The Foundational HelioSol Technique and Foundational AgapeMind courses as applied to animals are open to anyone. However, the Foundational Philosophy, Foundational Concerns and Concepts, and Foundational Templates courses must be taken first (shown in the dark and light orange circles), before you can take the respective Supplemental courses that apply to animals (shown in the yellow circle).
To read the bio of the instructor who teaches the animal courses, click on Sacha Maxwell
Once you have found a course of interest, go to the Course Schedule here to find out when it is being offered. Course fees, how to register and other details are found by going to Sacha Maxwell's personal website by clicking here.
Foundational HelioSol Technique With Application to Animals
The foundational HelioSol technique is the only technique used in The HelioSol System for both humans and animals. It can be used as a stand-alone or as the activator/download technique when doing a HelioSol session.
The HelioSol technique works even better in some ways on our four-legged friends than on us humans, because animals do not put up intellectual, left brain barriers to the movement of energy. It is possible to improve your animal’s health and happiness by performing the HelioSol technique daily on it. However, before you start each time, it is beneficial for you to have done the HelioSol technique on yourself. This is because the health and well-being of you, the guardian, and the animal are intricately linked, in an energetic balance. If you are calm and happy, your animal will respond more positively and quickly to the energetic shifts that the HelioSol technique will be initiating.
In this course you will learn:
How to perform the technique on yourself
How to safely apply the technique to animals using a surrogate
The hand positions, the breathing, the tapping, and the visualization that the technique consists of
Information on the relevance of all the components of the technique for better understanding and clearer observation
How to incorporate the Emergency Care Template when confronted by an emergency to help stabilize the situation, whether it is for yourself, someone else, or your animal
There will be instructor demonstrations and student practice time.
Animals most welcome to attend class for practice time
This course is open to anyone.
Foundational AgapeMind with Application to Animals
It is the beliefs held in the mind that act as filters for collapsing all possibilities for being into the life that is experienced. So, to change whatever has been manifested in life that you are not happy with – whether it’s your health, the health of your animals, your relationships, your work, your financial situation, where you live, how much recreational time you have, or anything else – you need to learn how to consciously direct the process. The process consists of using “heart and mind over matter.”
In this course you will learn:
How the heart’s toroidal field influences the ability to access fields of information located in the zero-point field
The process to get into the alpha mind state
How to create the Retreat and its mental tools within the OmniSphere
How the mental tools work
How to use the Retreat in daily life and for personal growth and well-being
How to use the Retreat when working therapeutically with a client
How to use the Retreat when working with animals to improve their health conditions
There will be some required reading prior to the class. The material will be sent to you after registration for the class has closed.
There will be individual and group activities.
This course is open to anyone.
Supplemental Introduction to the HelioSol System for Practitioners of Other Modalities, Animals
Pre-requisite: Introduction to the HelioSol System for Practitioners of Other Modalities
The Introduction to the HelioSol System for Practitioners of Other Modalities course provided you with how to use the Healing Wheel and MasterChart to find the templates to address the concerns and concepts that are highlighted in a session, when working with human clients. This short course is intended to provide you with additional information that will be useful when applying the HelioSol System to animal clients, such as subtle differences in anatomy, meridian charts, as well as safety elements to be observed. You will also be given and work through intake forms.
There will be instructor demonstrations and student practice time.
This course is open to those with the relevant pre-requisite.
Supplemental Philosophy, Animals
Pre-requisite: Foundational Philosophy
We will explore the connection between the behaviour and health of animals and the beliefs held by the humans involved in their lives. This will, in turn, provide the backdrop for how you, as a HelioSol Practitioner, will approach your healing work with animals. Although, while we will be dealing mostly with companion, domesticated, or agricultural animals, everything that is presented in this course also applies to wild animals, especially those in captivity.
In this course you will learn:
How human beliefs affect the health and behaviour of animals they care for
How to apply vertical and circular thinking while working with animals
Whether animals have souls
What animals remember and how they express their emotions
In which situations animals will not give permission to be worked on
When and how to apply the key words of animal archetypes in sessions
Key works for specific breeds of dogs, cats, horses, ponies, cattle, chickens, sheep, and pigs
The role of the AgapeMind process in sessions with animals
This course is open to those with the relevant pre-requisite.
Supplemental Concerns and Concepts, Animals
Pre-requisites: Supplemental Philosophy and Foundational Concerns and Concepts
For the most part, the concerns and concepts that you learned in the ‘human’ version of this course are applicable to your animal clients. However, there are some differences and additional information that you need to be aware of to understand what refining questions you need to ask when working with animals. The purpose of this course is to provide you with that additional information.
In this course you will learn:
How to apply all the information in the Foundational Concerns and Concepts course to working with animals, including:
Body, Symptoms, Chakras, Meridians, Meridian Clock, Microcosmic Orbit, Qi, Yin/Yang, Emotions, Conscious, Subconscious, Subsubconscious, Multilevel, Current Lifetime, Control, Experiences, Fear, Guilt, Love, Symbolic
What some of the differences are between the more common species of animals that will most likely be encountered in a HelioSol practice
This course is open to those with the relevant pre-requisites.
Supplemental Templates, Animals
Pre-requisites: Foundational Templates and Supplemental Concerns and Concepts
The templates that you learned in the Foundational Templates course are applicable to your animal clients. However, there are some differences and additional information that you need to be aware of to understand what refining questions you need to ask when working with animals. The purpose of this course is to provide you with that additional information.
In this course you will learn:
How to interpret the application of all the information in the Foundational Templates course to working with animals, including:
BHEMA, Support, Sleep, Light Frequency, Colour Frequency, Sound Frequency, Anti-Inflammation, Anti-Pain, Brain Stabilization, Post-Traumatic Stress, Neutralize, Vertical Time, Free Energy, Agape Love, Other
This course is open to those with the relevant pre-requisites.
Supplemental Practical Application, Animals
Pre-requisites: Foundational HelioSol Technique as Applied to Animals, Supplemental Philosophy, Supplemental Concerns and Concepts, Supplemental Templates, Foundational AgapeMind, and Foundational Practical Application
In the Foundational Practical Application course, we covered the basics that allowed you to work with the Healing Wheel and HelioSol Master Chart, incorporating all the other information you learned to date, to conduct HelioSol sessions and to record them. This supplemental Practical Application course has been designed to introduce additional information on the skills required to successfully work specifically with animal clients.
In this course you will learn:
How to work safely with animals and their caretakers
How to use a surrogate for receiving biofeedback from the animal client
How to interpret the information collected on the Health Intake form that is specific to working with animals
The importance of maintaining a professional relationship with other animal practitioners such as veterinarians
There will be instructor demonstrations and student practice time.
This course is open to those with the relevant pre-requisites.
Supplemental Practical Integration
Pre-requisites: Foundational HelioSol Technique as Applied to Animals, Supplemental Philosophy, Supplemental Concerns and Concepts, Supplemental Templates, Foundational AgapeMind, Supplemental Practical Application, and The Art of Practice
This is the final course that leads to the HSPA designation. The focus is on summarizing and clarifying the material covered in the pre-requisite courses. Relevant additional information on how to adapt the structure of a clinical practice to working with animals will be presented (i.e., beyond what was covered in the Art of Practice course). There will be opportunity for students to ask questions and receive answers from the instructor.
There will be instructor demonstrations and student practice time.
This course is open to those with the relevant pre-requisites.
HelioSol Instructor Sessions and Group Observation
This course has been designed for some participants to receive a HelioSol session in front of the group, either for themselves or for their animals, conducted by one of our HelioSol Instructors and for other participants to be able to observe and then engage in the ensuing discussions. This is an excellent way to deepen your understanding of concerns, concepts, and templates as the instructor will be explaining them in context of what is being focused on in each session. As well, you will pick up new insights into how to conduct your own sessions.
If you are not a HelioSol student or practitioner, you will still be eligible for receiving a session for yourself or your animal and then complement it with seeing how the HelioSol System is applied to reach and eliminate the root of all dis-ease and unhappiness in life.
There will be a set number of sessions that will be offered by the instructor in each course. The first people to register will receive a personal one-on-one session until the set number of sessions has been filled. All others are invited to attend, at a reduced fee, as observers.
This course is open to anyone.
This course may be offered in-person or by Zoom.